Dave Bechtel

Cross Sector Consulting

2558 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518 | (203) 772-2050 | bechtel@xsector.com
Works in: Connecticut

Last updated:
Tuesday, Jul 26, 2022

Cross Sector Consulting embraces a rich tradition and history of providing consulting services in response to complex economic and social problems and opportunities. We excel in projects that require resourcefulness, fast-paced action plans, and uncharted intersections where diverse partners intend to promote “cross sector” change. Our services include strategic planning; organizational and resource development; program evaluation; communications and technical writing; and full-service project management and support. Our areas of expertise include education, workforce development, public health, housing and human services. Our clients cut across all stakeholders – state and municipal entities; nonprofit organizations; philanthropic organizations; and grassroots groups.

Areas of Expertise:

Board assessment, structure, training, performance

Organizational evaluation, Program evaluation

Succession / transition planning

Grant writing, Grant writing - federal grants, Prospect research

Public policy development and strategy

Organizational assessments, Strategic planning, Organizational development, Meeting facilitation

Deep expertise in these issue areas: Education (K-12), Workforce Training and Development, Social Services / Human Services, Youth Development

Past Clients:

  • Organization: Melville Charitable Trust
    Name: Becca Allen
    Description of services provided: Evaluating Secure Jobs pilot for homeless families, including documenting regional models, collecting quantitative and qualitative data, and producing data dashboards and annual reports.
    Year services provided: 2015 - 2018
    Contact Info: (203) 901-1065 | rallen@melvilletrust.org
  • Organization: EWIB
    Name: John Beauregard
    Description of services provided: Providing a wide range of services, including fund development, program evaluation, strategic planning, data analysis, project staffing, and special studies.
    Year services provided: 2005 - present
    Contact Info: (860) 859-4100 | beauregardj@ewib.org
  • Organization: United Way of Greater New Haven
    Name: Amy Casavina Hall
    Description of services provided: Evaluated the Service Delivery Improvement Initiative (SDII), which included developing data tracking systems and producing monthly reports summarizing progress in implementing the pilot.
    Year services provided: 2012 - 2014
    Contact Info: (203) 691-4214 | acasavina@uwgnh.org
  • Organization: Enfield KITE
    Name: Amy Witbro
    Description of services provided: Facilitated the development and implementation of Enfield’s early childhood plan.
    Year services provided: 2012 - 2017
    Contact Info: (860) 253-6552 | awitbro@enfieldschools.org
  • Organization: Connecticut State Department of Education
    Name: Judy Carson
    Description of services provided: Provided evaluation and TA for the Family Literacy Initiative, Title I School-Parent Compacts project, School-Family-Community Partnerships and School Governance Councils.
    Year services provided: 2002 - 2013
    Contact Info: (860) 807-2122 | judy.carson@ct.gov
  • Organization: Capital Workforce Partners
    Name: Jim Boucher
    Description of services provided: Fund development, facilitation and evaluation for various projects, including I-BEST Construction Program evaluation, Hartford Opportunity Youth Collaborative and IBEST program.
    Year services provided: 2012 - 2016
    Contact Info: (860) 899-3467 | jboucher@capitalworkforce.org
  • Organization: Latino Community Services
    Name: Madeline Rodriguez
    Description of services provided: Evaluated program to reduce HIV incidence and increase access to treatment among young Latino and Black MSM.
    Year services provided: 2012 - 2018
    Contact Info: (860) 296-6400 | marodriguez@lcs-ct.org
  • Organization: Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
    Name: Doug Shipman
    Description of services provided: Conducting a formative evaluation of the Small Agency Program, which supports small nonprofits via grants, workshops, TA and partnerships with capacity-building organizations.
    Year services provided: 2015 - present
    Contact Info: (860) 548-1888 | dshipman@hfpg.org

Please note that we do not endorse any consultant listed in this directory. We strongly advise you to check references before hiring a consultant.